Founded in February 2021, Viral Tea Ke is Kenya's fastest-growing news website in the 2020s.
We write original news and informative articles covering local news, politics, entertainment, business and sports as well as unique features curated to satisfy the needs and demands of the general public, especially the youth.
Demographics from Google Analytics and Similarweb among others indicate that Viral Tea Ke is among the most preferred news websites among users aged 18-39 who consume content in real-time, without having to wait for prime-time news bulletins.
In September 2023, we became the first digital native media house in Kenya to have a segment dedicated exclusively to aviation, and from this, we have broken major aviation news as well as provided evergreen content regarding how aircraft systems work, and how helicopters are used during events among others, particularly those that have caught the eye of Kenyans.
Our articles have moreover been published in easy-to-understand language and details derived from research via respected news websites and the internet and catchy enough for our readers to consume as much information as possible and be 'in-the-know' about aeroplanes, or as we like to call it, to #NeverMissAStory.
Our Departments
- Editorial
- Social Media
- Video
Viral Tea Ke is run by a small team of journalists (including volunteers), editors, social media experts, contributors and field reporters.