Govt Declares Stance On Muguka Ban As Ruto Issues Directive To Linturi

In the past few days, Mombasa and Kilifi governors, Abdulswamad Sherrif and Gideon Mung’aro instituted the ban in their counties. 

Govt Declares Stance On Muguka Ban As Ruto Issues Directive To Linturi
Collage of President William Ruto at State House on May 27, 2024 and muguka (right). /PCS.THE STAR

President William Ruto's administration has reacted to recent reports of the sale and distribution of muguka, a popular stimulant leaf in the country, being banned in three counties, among them Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta.

In the past few days, Mombasa and Kilifi governors, Abdulswamad Sherrif and Gideon Mung’aro instituted the ban in their counties. On Thursday, Nassir made the decree at Port Reitz Hospital, Mombasa, highlighting the pervasive consumption of the stimulant drug at the Coast, including among school-going children, a similar angle taken by Mung'aro.

However, the ban by the two counties, with Taita Taveta following suit, sparked uproar among traders despite the governors' affirmation that youth were hooked to the stimulant and as a result they were unproductive.

Embu County in particular, which is predominantly the largest supplier of Muguka, expressed displeasure over the moves and threatened to appeal the decisions. Two Kenyans have since moved to the High Court challenging the ban.

President William Ruto meets with leaders of Embu County at State House, Nairobi on May 27, 2024. /PCS

On Monday, May 27, President Ruto held a meeting with the leaders of Embu County at State House, Nairobi on the recent ban of Muguka, the leaders led by Governor Cecily Mbarire, who was accompanied by the deputy governor, the senator, the women representative, Members of the National Assembly and all Members of the County Assembly.

Agriculture and Livestock Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, who was also at the meeting, informed the meeting that Mũguka, a variety of Miraa, is a scheduled crop in accordance with the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.

"With Muguka having been recognised by national legislation, any other laws or order that contradicts national legislation is null and void. The Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023 were passed by the National Assembly and the Senate and with the concurrence of the Council of Governors," a statement from State House read in part.

The government went on to state that having been passed by Parliament, the regulations obligate the Government to allocate funds for the farming, licencing, promotion, regulation, transportation, aggregation, selling, marketing and export of the crop.

To operationalise the Crops Act 2013 the regulation provides for the establishment of the Miraa/Muguka Pricing Committee. Consequently, the Council of Governors has already nominated three members to the committee.

The regulations also provide for a Miraa/Mũguka Standard Code of Practice which will regulate the farming, licencing, promotion, regulation, transportation, aggregation, selling, marketing and export of the crop.

"To address concerns of all parties and stakeholders the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is directed to convene a consultative forum to address concerns raised and agree on the implementation of the Miraa/Mũgũka Regulations 2023," the statement directed Linturi's Ministry.

"The future of Miraa/Muguka is in scaling up farming, aggregation, grading, pricing, packaging and value addition of the crop. For this reason, the government has committed to allocate Ksh500 million in the 2024/25 Financial Year for value addition of these scheduled crops."

The government added that it affirmed its commitment to the fight against drugs, illicit brews and other illegal substances.

This affirmation was reiterated by President Ruto who stated "We have agreed that miraa/muguka being a scheduled crop, a meeting be convened to discuss the issue.

"Consequently, I have directed the Ministry of Agriculture to convene a forum of all parties and stakeholders concerned."

Image of a muguka farm. /FACEBOOK