KNCHR Says Police Tortured Multimedia University Student In Viral Video, Issue 5 Demands
The human rights body condemned in the strongest terms possible the brutality meted on Mureithi as the university's students staged protests

The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) on Wednesday, September 18 accused the National Police Service (NPS) of torturing Trevor Mureithi, a student at Multimedia University who became the latest centre of nationwide attention following a viral video showing police using excessive force against him.
In a statement to newsrooms, the human rights body condemned in the strongest terms possible the brutality meted on Mureithi as the university's students staged protests against the negligence of the management of the university by failing to institute proper hygienic conditions.
In the clip seen by Viral Tea, the officers could be seen surrounded by a group of police officers armed with teargas canister launchers and batons who rained kicks and blows on him.
The officers dragged him out in the open to a spot, with one of them discharging a canister near Mureithi. Smoke emanated rapidly from the canister, which prompted Trevor to move his body, an action that would prove vital in saving his life as the canister exploded a few metres next to him.
Multimedia University students stage demonstrations along Magadi Road in Rongai, Nairobi on September 17, 2024. /JOHNKAMAU PRESENTER
"It is abhorring to watch such scenes, having witnessed a similar attack at Parliament buildings where a protester was killed after a canister released by security agents exploded on his body. The Commission was consistent in reporting police brutality during the protests with the hope that the Service and its officers would regroup and re-strategize on public order management with a view of rightfully dealing with protesters," KNCHR stated in part.
The human rights body reiterated the tenets of Article 37 of the Constitution; "that Every Person has the right to peaceably, UNARMED, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket and to present petitions to public authorities", adding that Article 28 provides that "Every person has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected."
According to KNCHR, Trevor was limping and lifting his left leg in pain after the brutality incident, meaning he most likely needed medical attention and the police officers should have had the humanity to assess the same and act accordingly, but the officers were revealed to have continued inflicting more injuries on him, leading to his hospitalization.
The body's findings corroborate those of the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) which revealed that Trevor raptured his leg after he was tortured and left near the teargas canister that exploded.
"This impunity being displayed by the police must come to an end! We cannot stand by and watch the force turn this country into a banana republic yet resources are invested in their training with the lens of the rule of law," KNHCR affirmed.
As a result, the body called on the Inspector General of Police to embark on immediate investigations of the actions that led to this unfortunate incident and that NPS should take administrative action and command responsibility on the officers involved and allow them to face the full force of the law.
Furthermore, NPS was compelled to take full responsibility for Trevor’s medical care as a means of reparations to him and his family and to heavily invest in the mental wellness of officers to ensure they perform their policing duties while in the right state of mind and with adherence to the rule of law.
"The Commission reminds all that the rule of law and respect to the judicial processes must be adhered to and when aggrieved, the right processes as prescribed by law must be followed," added the statement.
"Police officers should be faithful to their mission of ‘utumishi kwa wote’. Security personnel will be held individually culpable for breach of the law."
IPOA meanwhile revealed that investigations were underway against the officers responsible, with preliminary findings showing that a teargas canister that was thrown by the police inside one of the ladies' hostels blew off resulting in an inferno before the university staff put it off.
Further, a Rapid Response Team was dispatched to the varsity and among other instructions, to establish the veracity of the video clip widely shared on social media capturing the assault on Trevor.