Museveni Threatens To Throw Out Kenyans From Uganda In 18-Page Order
Museveni issued Executive Order No.3 of 2023 on Wednesday, May 24, addressing the conflict between Kenya and Ugandan communities residing along the border.

Uganda's President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni put the Kenyan government on the spot, demanding that it should comply with his demands or else he deports the Turkana people living in his country in six months.
Museveni issued Executive Order No.3 of 2023 on Wednesday, May 24, addressing the conflict between Kenya and Ugandan communities residing along the border.
The 18-page document was authored on Friday, May 19 but shared five days later, and in it, he voiced his frustrations on his leniency in allowing the Turkana community to graze in Uganda, with accusations that the community smuggled guns into the country.
This, in turn, led to increased criminal cases in the Karimonjong area including the theft of 2,245 cattle from the Ugandan residents.
"Long ago, I ordered these Turkanas to never bring guns into Uganda. They should just come and graze their cattle minus being armed.
"They, however, did not listen to this. Instead, they raided our disarmed Karimonjong, killed people, raped them, etc. They are said to have raided 2,245 cattle from the Jie. They killed our 3 (three), Geologists, 1 (one) Officer and a soldier, that were guarding them. I now direct that this Turkana nonsense must stop," he stated.
Museveni demanded that President William Ruto's government hand over Turkana herders accused of killing the Ugandan geologists so that they are tried for murder.
"Hence, the following steps must be taken: The Turkana must never come to Uganda with guns. Anybody who does so must be arrested and charged with terrorism by a Court Martial.
"The killers of the Geologists must be handed to us for trial for murder. The guns were handed back to the Government of Uganda, but not the killers," stated an agitated Museveni.
Museveni also demanded full compensation of the affected Ugandan communities following the attacks, adding that once brought, the killers ought to perform a traditional ritual for the bereaved families where they are required to produce cows equivalent to what the deceased would have contributed in his or her lifetime.
"The price of the kukaraba cannot be the traditional one, of a few cows. It must be adjusted to the full value of what the deceased would have contributed in his/her life, which life was cut short by those criminals," Museveni said.
He added that the engagements should be done through the coordination of the Governments of Kenya and Uganda
"Here, caution should be exercised because our own people could be exaggerating the numbers. In order to ease the task of cattle identification, the Kenya Government and Uganda Government should co-ordinate on cattle branding to show the district and sub-county of the respective cattle populations," he said.
"If, however, the issue of the guns illegally entering Uganda, the hand-over of the criminals who killed our Geologists or the use of traditional justice and return of the stolen cattle, are not resolved, I will have no alternative but to expel all the Kenyan Turkanas and their cattle and they will never," read the Executive Order in part.
He threatened to expel Kenyan Turkanas from Uganda together with their cattle permanently, giving an ultimatum of six months to comply with his directives, lest he takes ruthless action on the community with the promise to never be allowed re-entry to Ugandan territory.
“I give the Turkana population, six months to implement my directives. If, however, the issue of the guns illegally entering Uganda, the hand-over of the criminals who killed our Geologists or the use of traditional justice and the return of the stolen cattle, are not resolved, I will have no alternative but to expel all the Kenyan Turkanas and their cattle and they will never be allowed to re-enter Uganda with their cattle,” the order read in part.