Subaru Captured Running Over Nairobi Pedestrian Before Escaping [VIDEO]

The Levorg was seen negotiating a speed bump along the section of Thika Road that leads to the Museum Hill interchange but accelerated at a high speed

Subaru Captured Running Over Nairobi Pedestrian Before Escaping [VIDEO]
A subaru captured running over a pedestrian at a zebra crossing along a busy road in Nairobi. /SEMA UKWELI KENYA

Shocking video footage has emerged capturing the driver of a Subaru Levorg registration number KDE 953F driving recklessly and ramming into a pedestrian at a zebra crossing along a busy road in Nairobi.

The 23-second clip as you will watch below was recorded via the dashcam of a motorist who was driving behind the Subaru when the incident occurred.

The Levorg was seen negotiating a speed bump along the section of Thika Road that leads to the Museum Hill interchange but accelerated at a high speed, forcing him to dodge quickly to avoid being run over by the vehicle.

Typically, this driver would be expected to stop upon realising that he or she caused an accident but in this case, the car sped off, leaving the man recollecting himself and crossing the road as the other cars stopped to let him through. A woman could be seen checking with him if he was alright.

Here is the video:

Sema Ukweli, a justice and human rights media organisation affiliated with activist Boniface Mwangi which shared the clip, explained that the driver had failed to check on the pedestrian after the incident.

"In a shocking hit-and-run incident captured on camera, the driver behind the wheel of vehicle registration number KDE 953F knocked down a pedestrian at a clearly marked zebra crossing and then sped off without checking on the pedestrian's condition," stated the organisation on X (formerly Twitter) while sharing the video.

It is still unclear whether the victim sustained injuries from the incident, with netizens pressuring the necessary road authorities to take action against the driver over his carelessness on the road.

According to the Traffic Act, a driver risks a year in jail and having their license suspended if they are found guilty of driving dangerously.

"Any person who drives a motor vehicle on a road without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road shall be guilty of an offence and liable, for a first offence, to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand shillings," reads the Act in part.

If a driver repeats the offence, the term of imprisonment is increased to two years or to a fine not exceeding Ksh200,000.

"The court may exercise the power conferred by Part VIII of suspending any driving license or provisional driving licence held, by the offender disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for a period of twelve months starting from the date of conviction or the end of any prison sentence imposed under this section, whichever is the later," added the Act.

Statistics at the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) released in June 2023 revealed that 2,124 people died in road accidents from January to 25 June 2023, which is a decrease of 137 compared to last year’s record over the same period where 2,261 people were recorded to have perished in a similar period in 2022.

A breakdown of the fatalities indicated that more pedestrians were victims of road accidents with 729 recorded fatalities in 2023 followed by motor cyclists at 561.

“Motorcyclists followed with 561 deaths, 403 passengers, 196 pillion passengers, 189 drivers and 46 pedal cyclists have died since the year started,” stated NTSA's report.

On Monday, October 9, President William Ruto's Cabinet approved the establishment of the Kenya Transport Accident Investigation Bureau (KTAIB) in a bid to get to the bottom of transport accidents across the country.

"Once established, the Bureau will utilize international best practices and will pursue safety interventions in Road, Rail, Pipeline, and Marine Transport.

"The Bureau will be an independent agency tasked with comprehensive transport-related accident investigations and the making of safety recommendations," stated in part a Cabinet despatch.

President William Ruto chairing a Cabinet meeting at State House on June 27, 2023. /PCS