Clinical Officers Call Off Nationwide Strike, Give Its Members 24-Hour Ultimatum

This was announced by the Council of Governors on Monday, July 8 following a meeting with officials from the union.

Clinical Officers Call Off Nationwide Strike, Give Its Members 24-Hour Ultimatum
Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) during a past strike. /FILE

The Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) has called off its nationwide strike which began on April 1, 2024, and had been running concurrently with the doctors’ strike which ran from March 15 until May.

This was announced by the Council of Governors (CoG) on Monday, July 8 following a meeting with officials from the union.

KUCO revealed that it had reached an agreement with the county governments after signing a return-to-work formula, a matter overseen by the Council's Health Committee Chairperson, Muthomi Njuki (Tharaka Nithi Governor).

Its members were therefore asked to report back to their places of work within 24 hours, following the strike that ground operations in public hospitals to a halt.

Kenya Union of Clinical Officers and Council of Governors representatives during the signing of the return to work formula on July 8, 2024. /COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS

"We began our strike on April 1 after seven days of notice which was issued on March 25 and we have been on strike until today. By virtue of signing this return-to-work formula, we are officially declaring that our strike has come to an end.

"Our members shall resume duty in their respective places of work starting today and not later than 24 hours from the date herein," a KUCO official announced during a press briefing.

The end of the strike was a welcome move for the Ministry of Health as clinical officers handle 99 per cent of outpatient clinical services.

The clinicians had demanded the conclusion of prolonged negotiations on its Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), talks that had stalled since 2017.

The Union also called for clinical officers to be confirmed as permanent staff with pensions, stating that while the Ministry of Health indicated budgetary readiness, the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) contracts under punitive terms.

KUCO also accused the Council of Governors' refusal to provide concurrence which has stalled progress, on the other hand, insistíng extension of UHC contracts under punitive terms.

Meanwhile, the revived intern doctors' protests at the Ministry of Health headquarters at Afya House continued on Monday, with intern doctors camping outside the building donning lab coats.

Earlier, the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Bhimji Atellah dismissed reports of the strike being called off at the eleventh hour, claiming that unknown individuals had hacked the Union's X social account. 

The account had posted that the planned protests had been suspended but drew backlash from Kenyans before it was quickly pulled down.

"Reports circulating to the effect that #OccupyMoH has been suspended is false. The union handle has been compromised and we are trying our best to gain control of it and clean it," the KMPDU boss stated.

"We must overhaul the system including those that have hacked the union handles."