Morara Kebaso To Refund Contributions After Deciding Kenyans Don't Want Change
Morara appreciated Kenyans for supporting him throughout his journey but had determined that Kenyans had already settled on their fate in terms of advocating for change in the country.

Lawyer and activist Morara Kebaso on Saturday, September 21 announced that he decided to refund Kenyans their contributions, a shock twist given the fame he has amassed through his civic education efforts enlightening Kenyans at a time corruption in governments in the country has been on the ascendancy.
In a post, Morara appreciated Kenyans for supporting him throughout his journey but had determined that Kenyans had already settled on their fate in terms of advocating for change in the country.
The activist affirmed that he would not allow his reputation to be dragged into the mud and be labelled a conman and beggar, especially since he was satisfied that his efforts were a genuine attempt to change Kenya for the good.
"I am grateful for all the support Kenyans have given me. But a time comes when a man must decide whether the nation is worth fighting for. My observation is that most Kenyans have already decided on the country they want to live in.
Lawyer Morara Kebaso who has been touring the country to check the progress of projects launched by state officials. /MORARA KEBASO.X
"I cannot continue to dirtify my reputation and earn the tag of a conman or beggar. It's not worth it. I have a company to run and a family that loves me. For this reason, I would like to refund any Kenyan who has supported me and felt conned," he revealed.
The lawyer had appealed to Kenyans to respond with their mobile money messages to him to facilitate the refunding process.
"I will check if it's real, refund you in full with a top-up for withdrawal then I will copy and paste my refund message below your comment," he added.
I'd like to finish on good terms so that I can go and rest. Kindly avoid faking any messages because I have all the messages from the day I started."
On September 4, Morara commended Kenyans for going out of their way to raise funds so that he could purchase a public address system.
So overwhelming were the contributions that Morara revealed that they had surpassed the limit on his mobile money account, which was at Ksh499,999, a matter which prompted him to ask the contributors to pause as he found other alternatives to receive their contributions.
Morara on September 3 requested Kenyans to fundraise Ksh1.2 million for a presidential sound or a middle sound worth Ksh838,200, which he broke down and asked Kenyans to review the quoted prices and verify if they were within the market rates.
Meanwhile, on Saturday afternoon, he took his civic education campaigns to Embu where residents had surprised him with cash gifts.