Raila Cancels Parallel Jamhuri Day Event
This was confirmed on Thursday, December 8 by Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi during his address to the media.

Former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, has cancelled the parallel Jamhuri Day celebrations that were to be held at Jacaranda Gardens in Embakasi, Nairobi.
This was confirmed on Thursday, December 8 by Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi during his address to the media.
"We wish to announce that the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition party will now not hold a parallel Jamhuri Day celebration on December 12, 2022, as earlier planned. The cancellation of this meeting has been occasioned by upcoming engagements that will keep the party's top leaders away in the run-up to Jamhuri Day and a few days after.
"Those engagements were awaiting confirmation at the time the announcement of the parallel celebrations were made. Since the confirmation has now been made, we have therefore to clarify that our planned Jamhuri Day celebrations at the Jacaranda grounds have been cancelled," he said.
Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi. /CAPITAL GROUP
Wandayi however noted that the Azimio coalition would continue with its public consultations in a bid to keep the President William Ruto-led government in check.
"We reaffirm that even with the cancellation of the parallel celebrations, the People's Dialogue shall continue in one way or another, in public or private in the coming days, weeks and months in different parts of the country," he added.
On plans of awarding free scholarships to Kenyans attending the Jamhuri Day celebrations, Wandayi termed it laughable but nonetheless encouraged them to demand them before entering the venue of the Jamhuri Day celebrations, set for Nyayo National Stadium.
"It is a laughable offer, as usual not thought out at all. However, we encourage Kenyans to demand the scholarships on arrival at the stadium.
"We need to bring to an end this emerging policy of running government through pranks," he said.
Principal Secretary of ICT and Digital Economy, John Tanui, a member of the National Celebrations Committee, made the sentiments during the preparations for the public celebrations.
He added that the scholarships will be on technology certification courses, and will be awarded to eligible adults who will attend the event in person.
“Everyone will be assured of a scholarship for a certification course or a course that will enable them access some of the opportunities available online. We want to make our country the top talent of the world and the region,” said PS Tanui.
The scholarships will be offered in various universities partnering with the National Government. They include Arizona State University in the US and the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
Raila had explained previously that the Azimio la Umoja coalition will mark the Jamhuri Day celebrations with “Kenyan patriots”.
President Ruto on the other hand introduced themes in national holiday celebrations, a change from previous editions under former President Uhuru Kenyatta and other presidents. For Jamhuri Day, the theme will be ‘Technology and Digital Econ'.
President Ruto at the Kabete National Polytechnic on December 6, 2022. /STATE HOUSE KENYA