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Catholic Church Rejects Ksh5.8M Ruto, Sakaja Donations ...
The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has consistently maintained a fi...
Change Of Tune As ACK Bishops Now Side With Catholics W...
According to Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit, the government was yet to steer the c...
They Don't Know The Bible: ACK Bishops Slam Catholic Bi...
The issues the KCCB bishops touched on included the Social Health Authority (SHA...
Ruto Responds To Catholic Bishops: Be Factual
This is after the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) boldly accused Pre...
Flurry Of Statements As Govt Officials, Police, MPs Hit...
The Chairman of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), Archbishop Maur...
Lies, Selfishness, Unkept Promises & 4 Issues Catholic ...
The bishops raised fault regarding the political wrangles in the Government whic...