Uhuru Congratulates Ruto And Other Details From State House Meeting
The Head of State also noted that he was ready to hand over power to his successor, according to the Constitution of Kenya.

Outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta has finally congratulated President-elect William Ruto.
Speaking after meeting Ruto at State House on Monday, September 12 in an address to the nation, Uhuru wished Ruto the very best as he tackles his next biggest challenge after Ruto's inauguration takes place.
"My family and I join all Kenyans in wishing the very best to our next President Dr William Samoei Ruto and extending to him our warmest congratulations for receiving the mandate of Kenyans to lead us as our 5th president," said Uhuru.
President Uhuru Kenyatta has a word with his deputy Dr William Ruto during the 57th Madaraka Day Celebrations on June 1, 2020, at State House Gardens, Nairobi. /DAILY NATION
The Head of State also noted that he was ready to hand over power to his successor, according to the Constitution of Kenya.
"Tomorrow, I will emulate that honoured tradition and hand over the mantle to my successor Dr William Samoei Ruto. In my service to you, I was supported by the Cabinet, and Principal Secretaries. Most importantly, you the people of Kenya walked with me all step of the way
"This afternoon, I hosted the incoming President here at State House. The transition process commenced on 12th August and the doors of State have been open to the technical teams from the office of the President-elect to facilitate a smooth transition," stated the Head of State after the meeting.
Uhuru termed the inauguration scheduled for Tuesday, September 13 at Kasarani stadium as the last step in a hotly-contested electioneering period.
“Tomorrow’s inauguration, the last step in a process of electioneering, is a moment for us to come together as one people to pursue the promise of Kenya as destined by God,” the President said.
Uhuru's Milestones in 10 Years
While naming his standout achievements in his 10-year tenure, Uhuru revealed that his administration placed the nation on a pathway to a Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) which institutionalizes a system that seeks to nurture creativity and innovation in Kenyan children and enhance the competitiveness of the country's workforce.
In line with the 2010 constitution, his administration has institutionalized devolution and forever changed the face of Kenya. Through devolution, the government, he said, is now much closer to the people.
"From 2013 to date, we have had over 100 inbound and outbound state visits hosting heads of state and government from across the world and Kenya is now a consequential voice and an undisputed leader in continental and global issues.
"As a digital government, we successfully transitioned from analogue to digital television and radio resulting in the country today being home to 130 TV stations up from 14 in 2013," he said while sharing the transformations to have occurred in the media space during his term.
He praised the opportunity for him to serve the country as the greatest honour any citizen can receive, that it is a sacred trust and it has been an immense privilege that he has not taken for granted.
"Mr President elect, as you walk the path to your inauguration and beyond, you will be the President not just for those who voted for you but for all Kenyans," he said.
Uhuru has been endorsing Ruto's main rival Raila Odinga out in the open as the man to succeed him. Raila however lost in the polls.
He reiterated that he will hand over power peacefully to President-elect, William Ruto, whose victory in the elections was upheld by the Supreme Court. This is in accordance with the law.
President Uhuru Kenyatta with Raila Odinga and William Ruto. /STANDARD DIGITAL
However, it did not mean that he was supporting Ruto and that his choice has always been Raila.
“I will hand over power smiling because it is constitutional. Aluta continua but I will leave knowing Raila is my leader.
“You have denied yourself the opportunity of bringing the country together,” the outgoing president stated.