Governor Nassir Joins In Slamming Gachagua Over NIS Remarks

Nassir reminded Gachagua that he wielded a position that commands responsibility as it is the second highest in the land, and the occupant is sworn to preserve and protect Kenya's national unity and security.

Governor Nassir Joins In Slamming Gachagua Over NIS Remarks
Collage of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua (left) and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir (right). /DPPS.ABDULSWAMAD NASSIR

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir on Thursday, June 27 became the latest to condemn Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's demand for the resignation of Director of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) Noordin Haji.

In a tell-all statement shared through his X account in the evening hours, Nassir reminded Gachagua that he wielded a position that commands responsibility as it is the second highest in the land, and the occupant is sworn to preserve and protect Kenya's national unity and security.

The county boss termed it deeply concerning that Gachagua resorted to publicly prosecuting national security issues in the public domain, degenerating into personal attacks against Haji while absolving Japhet Koome, the Inspector General of Police, for the reckless manner in which young people across Kenya were handled by the police over the past week. 

The news environment in Kenya has been awash with reports of a section of young people killed and others being abducted as they exercised their democratic rights to protest as per Article 37 of the Constitution of Kenya.

NIS Director-General Noordin Haji. /REUTERS

"These unbecoming utterances go against the solemn oath that Mr. Gachagua took. It exposes our nation, the institution of the Presidency, and our security agencies to ridicule, ethnic division, and potential exploitation by our country's enemies.

"At a time when the young generation has lost faith in the direction the country is moving, such remarks only serve to fuel confusion and public anger. It is regrettable that the Deputy President would casually discuss sensitive security matters in public instead of in the constitutional body - the National Security Council in which he is a member," he dressed down the DP.

Nassir went on to remind Gachagua that not only does he chair all cabinet sub-committees, but also bears significant responsibility for the defunct Finance Bill 2024 and the subsequent political unrest.

"Mr Gachagua cannot claim ignorance of the public mood regarding over-taxation when he was at the front leading this conversation until his recent political schism with his partners in the Kenya Kwanza Administration. This current narrative against Mr. Hajj is a weak attempt at creating a political scapegoat for internal differences within his political formation," he added.

The governor called on the Deputy President to focus on unifying the country rather than engaging in personal vendettas.

Meanwhile, North Eastern leaders called for Gachagua to resign over what they said was undermining his boss, President William Ruto, arguing that the former has become dangerous for Kenya and that he should step aside.

"The unfortunate utterances of the Deputy president demean and undermine the sanctity and honour of the presidency and the government he serves," the leaders said in a statement.

"Following his attacks on the Director General, Noordin Haji, and his open sabotage of President Ruto, it is untenable for Hon. Rigathi Gachagua, to continue serving as Deputy President. We therefore call on him to resign immediately."

The leaders warned that "failure to do so will compel us as members of the parliament to pursue impeachment proceedings against him."

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua during a press conference in Mombasa on June 26, 2024. /DPPS