KDF Spotted Patrolling Nairobi CBD Ahead Of Protests

Others were spotted assembled at Nyayo Stadium wearing face masks and armed with sophisticated weapons.

KDF Spotted Patrolling Nairobi CBD Ahead Of Protests
KDF officers along Mombassa Road on June 27, 2024. /CITIZEN TV

The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) on Thursday, June 27 deployed a series of armoured vehicles in specific parts of Nairobi, particularly roads leading to State House ahead of protests.

Officers from KDF were spotted in videos seen by Viral Tea riding aboard armoured convoys along Mombasa Road heading to Nyayo Stadium, dressed in full gear to the teeth.

Others were spotted assembled at Nyayo Stadium wearing face masks and armed with sophisticated weapons.

The armoured vehicles included three trucks and four land cruisers ferrying heavily armed KDF officers. The military vehicles were dispatched to Nyayo Stadium but relocated to the Ulinzi Sports Complex in Lang'ata, prepared for potential unrest in the capital.

KDF officers at Nyayo Stadium on June 27, 2024. /CRIME BUSTER KE

Some of the sophisticated automobiles include an armoured troop carrier, three Humvees, one light utility vehicle, two Land Cruisers and three lorries.

KDF soldiers have been deployed in Nairobi as the government moves to shore up security, acting on planned demonstrations after a section of Kenyans threatened to march to State House to protest despite President William Ruto withdrawing the Finance Bill, 2024.

This move is in response to Members of Parliament approving the deployment of KDF officers to support the police during the anti-Finance Bill protests.

However, this was challenged in court by the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) which filed a petition challenging the legality of the deployment of KDF officers during protests and urged the court to suspend the move.

The High Court is expected to rule on the legality of the deployment of KDF soldiers on Thursday, June 27.

Meanwhile, in the Nairobi CBD, anti-riot police officers had been deployed heavily as the situation remained calm in the morning hours.

All roads leading to State House, the focal point of today's protests, were blocked by the officers using road blocks and water canons. Additionally, Parliament Road and City Hall Way, which bore the brunt of Tuesday's unrest, are also closed to traffic.

Today, unlike the scattered response seen earlier this week, police presence in the capital is significantly heightened. Key gathering points along Kenyatta Avenue, Archives, and GPO are heavily guarded by large contingents of officers.

Furthermore, authorities are utilising drones for surveillance across the city.

Kenya Defence Forces soldiers during a past deployment. /FILE