Popular Activist Hanifa Adan Among Protesters Arrested In Nairobi CBD [VIDEO]

Police officers in uniform and civilian clothes accosted Kenyans wearing black T-shirts printed in favour of the protests, and bundled into a waiting van.

Popular Activist Hanifa Adan Among Protesters Arrested In Nairobi CBD [VIDEO]
Activist Hanifa Adan in a police car (right) on June 18, 2024. /HANIFA ADAN.CITIZEN TV

Police officers stationed at the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) have arrested a section of Kenyans protesting against the Finance Bill 2024.

In videos seen by Viral Tea, police officers in uniform and civilian clothes accosted Kenyans wearing black T-shirts printed in favour of the protests, and bundled into a waiting van.

Among those arrested is online activist Hanifa Adan, who was captured on national TV among those being led to a waiting police car at the Kenya National Archives in the Central Business District (CBD).

Here is the video:

"We have been arrested but don’t let them get to you please proceed to Parliament," she posted on her X account.

Other posts read "They can’t arrest everyone !!!! Fuck the police", and "Don’t meet at archives guys but nation centre".

In another video, police could be seen arguing with a middle-aged woman before arresting her and bundling her into a waiting police Landcruiser that later drove away.

She shouted "Why are you arresting me? I haven't done anything."

The Kenyans could be heard shouting slogans, pushing for the rejection of the contentious Finance Bill 2024 that proposes draconian taxes on Kenyans undergoing a harsh economic period.

The protests were held to compel Members of Parliament to shoot down the Finance Bill 2024, which is to be tabled in Parliament later on Tuesday, June 18.

The bill, which has already faced heavy opposition from a number of Kenyans, seeks to increase revenue for the government through heavy taxation.

Earlier, Nairobi Regional Commander Adamson Bungei dismissed plans to organise any protest in the CBD, stating that the organisers of the protests did not apply for any license to picket or hold peaceful demos in Nairobi.

The protests came as President William Ruto was holding a Kenya Kwanza Parliamentary Group meeting at State House, Nairobi.

Some of the attendees included Molo MP Kimani Kuria, who is also the chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Finance and Planning.

The committee retreated on June 13 to prepare a report after the conclusion of public participation in the Finance Bill 2024.

A Kenya Kwanza PG press briefing has since been held at State House before the MPs join the House to debate the document.

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