Tag: Donation

Ruto Donates Another Ksh20 Million, Claps Back At 'Occupy Jesus Winner' Protesters

Ruto Donates Another Ksh20 Million, Claps Back At 'Occu...

This is as he fired back at the organisers of the Occupy Jesus Winner Ministries...

Local & Metro
Jesus Winner Ministry Addresses Receiving Ksh20 Million From Ruto

Jesus Winner Ministry Addresses Receiving Ksh20 Million...

On Sunday, at a large service held at the Roysambu church, Ruto praised Bishop M...

Local & Metro
Ruto To Look For Hillside Endarasha Academy Owner After Ksh2M Donation

Ruto To Look For Hillside Endarasha Academy Owner After...

The Head of State indicated that the school supports hundreds of students in the...

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