DCI Catch Third Suspect In Murder Of Gladys Chania's Husband
This now brings the number of arrested suspects following the cold-blooded murder to three.

The third suspect in the gruesome murder of Rwanda-based businessman George Mwangi Kamau has been arrested.
John Muikiriria Mwangi, who went missing on the same day as the deceased was arrested at the Karinga location in Gatundu South sub-county, Kiambu County, according to a statement by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).
This now brings the number of arrested suspects following the cold-blooded murder to three.
The arrest follows comprehensive investigations conducted by sleuths from the homicide department, who took over investigations into the murder.
"The seasoned detectives found it was too much of a coincidence that the second accused Morris Kamau Mbugua was hired on October 8, 2022, by the main suspect Gladys Njeri Mwangi Alias Chania, a day before the death and disappearance of the deceased while John Muikiriria Mwangi, went missing on the same day.
"According to Chania, John Mwangi, who had worked at the home for four years allegedly failed to return home after she sent him to deposit some money on a mobile money platform," the DCI stated in part.
A prima facie case was established against the accused, the main suspect Gladys Chania and Morris Kamau Mbugua who were charged on November 2, 2022, at Kiambu law courts.
After conducting a thorough forensic documentation of the deceased’s house in Mang’u, detectives based at the Crime Research & Intelligence Bureau (CRIB), Homicide department, Forensic Crime Scene and Photographic units concluded that George Mwangi was murdered in his house before his body was dumped at Kieni forest.
Pieces of blood-stained metal rods, blood-soaked bed sheets, stained curtains and clothing were part of the exhibits that were recovered in the house by the sleuths based at the DCI National Forensic Laboratory.
The third suspect will be arraigned at Kiambu law courts on Monday morning, November 7.
An autopsy conducted on Mwangi revealed that he died of blunt-force trauma to the head.
The exercise was conducted by government pathologist Johansen Oduor on Friday, October 21 and revealed that he was severely hit on the head by a blunt object.

The lifeless body of the Rwanda-based engineer dumped in the Kieni forest in Kiambu county Wednesday, October 12, 2022. /DCI