OUT NOW: How To Check For 2023 KPSEA Results
KNEC revealed in a statement that the performance reports and analysis for schools and learners have been uploaded to the KNEC CBA Portal.

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) on Friday, January 19, released the results of the 2023 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) examinations as well as those of the Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA).
KNEC revealed in a statement that the performance reports and analysis for schools and learners have been uploaded to the KNEC CBA Portal.
However, parents and other stakeholders will have to access the results from primary school headteachers who have the logins to the portal.
“The 2023 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) results are out.
Screengrab of the KNEC CBA Portal used to check the 2023 KPSEA results. /KNEC CBA PORTAL
"The performance reports and analysis for individual learners and schools have been uploaded on the CBA portal and a circular sent to all Sub-County Directors of Education and heads of primary schools on how to download and print the reports,” the statement read in part.
The results were published online following a directive by Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu. They were however released four days after the students reported to their respective schools on Monday, January 15.
The Grade 6 students who proceeded to Grade 7 were the first to sit the KPSEA exams under the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).
How To Check 2023 KPSEA Results
The head teachers are advised to log onto the CBA portal cba.knec.ac.ke and use the school's credentials (username and password).
To access Individual Learner Performance reports, once logged onto the CBA portal, schools are required to:
- Click on the icon 'KPSEA Portal or 'KILEA Portal;
- Select view reports;
- Go to download KPSEA performance report' or 'download KILEA performance report'; and
- Enter the assessment number of the learner to download the performance report.
KPSEA, a Grade 6 test under the new education curriculum system, the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), is designed for pupils to graduate to Junior Secondary School (JSS).
1.2 million students sat for the KPSEA examinations in 2023, which commenced on October 30, 2023, and ended on November 1, 2023.
The new exams from 2024 will replace the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), marking the end of the four-decade 8-4-4 syllabus at the primary school level. The new exams will see candidates answer 30 questions down from the usual 50.
The English language and Mathematics papers were tackled on the first day, followed by Integrated Science and Kiswahili on the second day.
Art and Craft, Music, and Religious Education in the Creative Art and Social Studies subject will be done on the last day.
Meanwhile, CS Machogu directed all the candidates who sat the 2023 KPSEA to be allowed to join Grade 7 in the Junior Secondary Schools hosted by their respective primary schools where they attended Grades 1-6.
Furthermore, Grade 7 learners were urged to utilise the classrooms that were used by the current Grade 8 learners in 2023.