KEBS Denies Reports Of Kenyans Eating Contaminated Rice
KEBS revealed that the rice which was reported to be contaminated had passed the necessary tests, after being subjected to tests.

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) on Wednesday, December 11 dismissed initial media reports that contaminated rice had existed in the Kenyan market.
In a statement, KEBS revealed that the rice which was reported to be contaminated had passed the necessary tests, after being subjected to tests.
''We wish to assure all Kenyans that the rice available in the market is safe and fit for consumption. The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has taken note of the recent media report suggesting that KEBS has not raised an alarm about the quality of rice in the Kenyan market,'' KEBS stated.
According to KEBS, the rice consignment originating from Pakistan satisfied the necessary aflatoxin levels contrary to earlier indications. Between September and November this year, the consignment of 2 million kilograms was imported from a company in Pakistan wielding the standards regulator's diamond mark of quality.
Image of a bowl of rice. /NEW YORK TIMES COOKING
KEBS issues this to manufacturers who have demonstrated consistency in product quality over time through repeated laboratory analysis and implementation of a quality management system.
The Diamond mark of quality is granted to products that have met and exceeded the requirements of the Kenyan Standard and, therefore, assure consumers of high quality and safety.
"The consignments imported by M/s Gama Foods Traders Limited between 30th September 2024 and 12th November 2024 vide customs entry Nos. 24MBAIM405857995, 24MBAIM405859116, 24MBAIM405882084, 24MBAIM406375373, 24MBAIM406380360 and 24MBAIM406381795 were approved by KEBS based on the Diamond Mark Permit No. 1187," added the statement.
The intercepted rice was part of the consignment imported in 2022 which was not subjected to pre-inspection in Pakistan. However, after it was inspected and tested following arrival in Mombasa, the rice was deemed to have aflatoxin levels deemed acceptable and fit for human consumption.
"The rice seized at M/s Anytime Limited, Central Business Park Godowns, Road C was part of a bulk Pakistan long grain rice consignment imported by Gama Food Traders Limited through customs entry Nos. 22MBAIM402643131 and 24MBAIM402643249 (manifest number 2022MSASI023967A) in June 2022. These consignments were not subjected to pre-inspection in Pakistan since at the time KEBS had not appointed Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVOC) agents," added KEBS.
"Consequently, the consignment was subjected to inspection and testing upon arrival at Kilindini Port. The outcome of the testing indicated that the aflatoxin levels were within acceptable limits (0.58 μg/kg against a requirement of 10 μg/Kg) and therefore fit for human consumption upon testing. The consignments were then released."
KEBS added that as part of post-clearance surveillance, it visited M/s Anytime Limited on November 6, 2024, and found 452 bags which they were holding pending compensation by their supplier. The company on its part alleged that the quality of the rice had deteriorated and therefore not fit for human consumption.
"The 452 bags of rice found at M/s. Anytime Limited were seized by KEBS in the interest of consumer safety and subjected to laboratory analysis. The outcome of the analysis confirmed that the rice was not fit for human consumption due to high aflatoxin levels. KEBS is in the process of destroying all the 452 bags of rice seized at M/s Anytime Limited Godowns," the regulator revealed.
KEBS outlined the possibility of the quality of a product deteriorating after passing initial quality tests if the recommended storage conditions are not adhered to, hence why it conducts regular market surveillance visits in outlets.
KEBS thus assured the public of its commitment to ensuring the safety and quality of all locally manufactured and imported products.
"All the 2,078,500 kgs of Pakistan long grain rice imported by M/s Gama Foods Traders Limited between 30th September 2024 and 12th November 2024 have been tested and found fit for human consumption. We urge traders to adhere to recommended product storage instructions to avoid spoilage and possible contamination of products within their stores," the statement added.