Popular American YouTuber To Build Library In Kenya At Ksh9 Million

The facility, which Philip stated that it will be the only library within a 100-mile radius

Popular American YouTuber To Build Library In Kenya At Ksh9 Million
Popular American tech Youtuber Zack Nelson

Zack Nelson is a very popular tech YouTuber who runs the world’s largest cell phone repair YouTube channel, JerryRigEverything (in terms of subscribers) and has acquired more than 7.4 million subscribers as of 2022.

He decided to name the channel as JerryRigEverything in memory of his grandfather whom he lost at the age of 13.

The YouTuber has now shared plans of building a library in Budalangi Constituency, Busia County at a cost of Ksh9 million, a project which he is undertaking with his ‘uncle’ Philip, a Kenyan who moved to the United States 15 years ago to pursue his studies. 

The facility, which Philip stated that it will be the only library within a 100-mile radius (160.9 km), is set to serve 10 primary schools, 6 high schools and 3 colleges in the area.

“Education can solve all of the world’s problems, which is why we have exciting news that part of the 75,000 dollars that you guys have given us by watching our videos is going to be used to build a full-size library in Kenya,” said Nelson.

Philip disclosed that getting the land and building the library will cost nearly Ksh6 million in a process that has been in the works for almost a year.

Ksh3 million will be left to equip the library with books, with the duo choosing to instead to dig a borehole to serve the nearby community with a stable water supply.

“That is also the price of digging an industrial borehole that would also service the entire community. It will have massive water tanks and solar panels at the top and make the library an essential hub for people to come and hang out,” Nelson stated.

They have set up a drive to raise funds as well as physical books from Americans of goodwill towards equipping the library. Their target is 12,000 to 15,00 books, mainly children’s books, novels, encyclopaedias and textbooks.

“This library will provide an opportunity for kids to start reading and learning about books from the age of two all the way to six. We will have things like nursery rhymes that will help equip the children before they transition to primary school,” Philip noted.

Initially, Nelson was just earning 5 cents per day with his YouTube channel but as he liked his work of repairing cell phones, he persisted. 

He shot his first 200 videos with his HTC Evo 4G smartphone and used to edit them on his laptop in his dorm room. After a couple of years of starting his channel, he acquired just around 2,000 subscribers after publishing 100 videos.

After around two years of starting JerryRigEverything, the cell phone company which employed him before he ventured into content creation was closed. It offered him a severance package for four months and after quitting the job, he decided to dedicate most of his time to growing his YouTube channel.

Nelson began working hard on his channel and thankfully, after four months, his YouTube channel became feasible to the point that he has been doing it full time since 2015.

Along with cell phone repairs, he also started testing the durability of cell phones and started posting the videos on his channel because the majority of the people would be interested in knowing the durability of cell phones rather than learning to repair them.

Thanks to the cell phone durability videos, he started getting good views on his videos.

Zack Nelson posing for a selfie. /IMDB