Protests In Kisii Region Despite Shining In KCSE 2022
The parents had interrupted the school activities as they demanded the principal...

Learning was on Thursday, January 26 paralyzed at Nyabworoba Mixed Secondary School at Kitutu Chache North, Kisii County after parents protested its poor performance in the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, despite the region posting a good performance.
The parents had interrupted the school activities as they demanded the principal, Zephaniah Chweya be transferred to a different institution.
Waving twigs, the parents blamed the principal for the poor performance of 24 candidates who sat for the exam and came out scoring a mean grade of D-. The top students were broken down into five who scored D, 13 who scored D- and six who scored E.
The parents added that since that principal took over, the school had not performed for about three consecutive years and has been ranked last in the county.
Entrance to Nyabworoba mixed secondary school in Kisii County. /VIRALTEAKE.ELIZABETH ANGIRA
"The school in the previous years enrolled 300 students, since the new principal took over, the school has 50 students," lamented Joshua Nyambariga, a parent, who went on to claim that the school has had a shortage of teachers.
Elkanah Monda weighed in by revealing that in the past years, the school had been performing well before the predecessor principal Chweya took over. He added that the principal claimed that he has godfathers who protect him.
The parents further disclosed that during the parents' meeting, the principal promised to improve the performance of the students, but the results have been deteriorating more, raising fears that the poor performance might lock students out of joining colleges.
"Our worry is how the school is bringing up illiterate students in the community who might end up engaging in criminal activities," added Joyce Moraa.
The parents lamented that they are in the darkness regarding where they can take their students to further their education after posting poor performances. They added that they approached the Sub-county director of education but their efforts have been fruitless.
Efforts to reach the principal to substantiate the claims were futile as he was on official duty at Kisumu for the selection of students to join Form One.
The parents also pleaded with Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu to intervene and save the school.
The scenario was similar at Nyabiosi Secondary School in Kisii where parents expressed their unhappiness with the results, blaming the poor performance on its principal, Patrick Michira, whom they claimed is not on good terms with the teachers or parents.
The first candidate scored a D+ while the rest scored E, with the school posting a mean grade of 2.33.
Machogu had defended the credibility of the results in the Kisii region, which were questioned across the country, especially after a number of schools, including Nyambaria High School in Nyamira County, stunned Kenyans on Friday, January 20 when it registered outstanding results in the 2022 KCSE, more than the famous academic giants.
The Senate commenced investigations into the integrity of the exams and is expected to summon Ministry of Education officials to establish the truth regarding possible malpractices.