Ruto Nominates Ex-IEBC Commissioner To New PSC Board

Molu was among eight nominees announced in a notice signed by Head of Public Service Felix Koslkei on Friday, December 20, those include the Vice Chairperson.

Ruto Nominates Ex-IEBC Commissioner To New PSC Board
President William Ruto assents to the Appropriations Bill 2024 at State House, Nairobi on June 28, 2024. /PCS

President William Ruto has nominated former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioner Boya Molu to the board of the Public Service Commission (PSC).

Molu was among eight nominees announced in a notice signed by Head of Public Service Felix Koskei on Friday, December 20, those include the Vice Chairperson.

Koskei explained that the move seeks to proactively address the forthcoming vacancies in the offices of the Vice-Chairperson and six Members of the Commission, expected to occur in mid-January 2025, with an additional vacancy anticipated in April 2025.

“To facilitate a seamless transition within the Public Service Commission, the President has today exercised his constitutional prerogative by nominating individuals to serve in the ranks of the membership of the Commission,” reads the statement in part.

Former IEBC Commissioner Boya Molu. /FILE

Molu is one of the Commissioners who stood with former IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati after the 2022 presidential elections. Only three out of the seven commissioners support the election results while four led by former Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera rejected them. Those who supported the results include Chebukati, Molu and Prof Abdi Guliye.

Also nominated include former National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) Director General Francis Meja. 

Ruto nominated Mary Wanjira Kimonye as the Vice Chairperson. The others are Harun Maalim Hassan, Mwanamaka Amani Mabruki, Irene Cherotich Asienga, Dr Francis Otieno Owino, and Joan Andisi Machayo, who have been nominated as members.

Francis Otieno served as Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Industrialization during former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime.

Maalim is CEO of Kenya’s National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD). Mabruki was nominated as one of the 50 Chief Administrative Secretaries in March 2023. She was to serve in the Ministry of East African Community (EAC), the ASALs, and Regional Development.

Dr. Irene Cherotich Asienga is currently a government advisor on budgets and fiscal. She has also worked at the Commission on Revenue Allocation, as a senior lecturer and director of Kabarak University, Nairobi Campus.

On the other hand, Machayo is the Alternate Director, representing the Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of, the PSC.

The names have been forwarded to Parliament for vetting. However, Parliament is on a long recess that is expected to end in February 2025, though it is expected that some MPs will be recalled for a special sitting to consider the vetting process, alongside that of the Cabinet nominees announced less than 24 hours ago.

At the moment, Ambassador Anthony Mwaniki Muchiri is the chairperson of PSC.

Public Service Commission (PSC) offices in Nairobi. /FILE

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