Sakaja Directs Smokie Vendors, Mama Mbogas To Pay Annual Licence Immediately
Sakaja directed that Cess payments for businesses that operate long-term are transitioned to Unified Business Permits (UBP).

Nairobi Governor, Johnson Sakaja on Sunday, February 18 ordered that mama mbogas and other small-scale businesses commence the payment of one-year licences with immediate effect.
In a statement, the county boss directed that Cess payments for businesses that operate long-term are transitioned to Unified Business Permits (UBP).
Speaking during a Revenue Mobilisation meeting attended by County Executives, Chief Officers, Directors in charge of Revenue collection and Sub County Administration Governor Sakaja said UBP must be embraced by all departments to enhance Revenue collection.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja clapping at Embakasi East, Lower Savannah on December 21, 2023. /JOHNSON SAKAJA
"Any business that runs consistently at one spot for over six (6) months will be required to acquire a Unified Business Permit (UBP) including in Markets and also those allowed to operate on road reserves," the governor announced.
He argued that the annual UBP for such businesses is ultimately a lot cheaper than the daily cess that the businesses have been paying which mostly doesn't get to the county and leaves them open to daily harassment from county enforcement officers, alias kanjos.
"We must quickly embrace technology because it has the potential to increase revenue collection, monitor compliance, and facilitate compliance," he went on.
Sakaja added that the county's revenue outlook was showing promising signs despite the last financial year having been the best in the five years.
"I know the team will surpass it, and it will be the highest this year. The digitization of our system and strict cashless policy will ensure our source Revenue numbers soar. Technology plays a big part in sealing leakages, efficiency, and above all, revenue increment," he went on.
The Governor also announced that all County Executives and Chief Officers will immediately be involved in revenue collection and mobilisation alongside sub-counties.
They must monitor and assist Sub County and ward administrators in revenue mobilisation exercises and will also use the opportunity to monitor other on-ground projects and help with decision-making on the ground.
The UBP was introduced on January 1, 2024, as part of an ease-of-doing business reform initiative, bringing to an end years of issuance of multiple business licences.
The UBP combines the business, fire, food, health, and advertising licenses into one and was made available on the Nairobi City County Government's NairobiPay Revenue service online portal.