Tag: Graduation

Local & Metro
400 UoN Students Threaten To Disrupt Graduation Despite University's Statement

400 UoN Students Threaten To Disrupt Graduation Despite...

This is despite the university earlier dismissing claims that 200 students were ...

Local & Metro
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University In Ksh2.6B Fraud: EACC Probing Illegal Graduation Of 200 Students

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University In Ksh2.6B Fraud: EAC...

University officials at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University allegedly colluded wit...

Local & Metro
University Staffer Caught Demanding Ksh50K From Student To Change Grades Ahead Of Graduation

University Staffer Caught Demanding Ksh50K From Student...

The ICT officer solicited the student for the above amount and in exchange, he w...

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