Why Courts Cannot Punish Women Who 'Eat' Your Fare After Skipping A Date
Cases of women 'eating fare' from their men have been rampant and common...

A small claims court had recently ruled that it had no legal authority to deal with cases of women scamming men by receiving money for transportation to a date location then failing to show up, commonly known as 'kula fare' in Swahili.
The court's Senior Resident Magistrate, Tabitha Wanjiku Mbugua, issued the ruling upon receiving several complaints from men who had sent money to women for fare to show up for their date, only to disappoint in the end.
Mbugua explained that the law on the jurisdiction of small claims courts does not allow her to demand that such women repay the fare for failing to show up for the date after receipt of the money.
An image of Milimani Law Courts. /JUDICIARY KENYA
She further emphasized that the Judiciary and its stakeholders would soon launch a campaign in the North Rift region to create awareness among residents about the operations and jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court.
Mbugua went on to urge Kenyans to seek reliable information about the court system from court users committees and the Judiciary information desk in all courts across the country, instead of relying on social media misinformation.
Cases of women 'eating fare' from their men have been rampant and common, a matter which has seen a section of men desist from even treating their women on dates for fear that they won't show up when they receive the fare they have asked for.
It is worth it to note that in July 2022, the Judiciary flagged down a report that did rounds on social media whereby a woman was fined Ksh23,750 for scamming her boyfriend of a fare of Ksh3,000.
The report had claimed that the lady was ordered by the Milimani Small Claims Court to pay her boyfriend that amount after she failed to attend a birthday party he was hosting, despite being sent the fare for the journey there.
The man was prompted to escalate the matter to the court after he was left in the cold by the lady who failed to show up for the event and opted to turn off her phone.
According to the unverified report, the court had found the woman guilty and directed her to pay Ksh20,000 to her boyfriend as emotional damages with an additional Ksh750 as interest accrued to the stated amount.
It further revealed WhatsApp communications between him and the lady over the matter which was used as part of the evidence in tabling the matter before the court. She was detained awaiting payment of the damages by her family.
The Judiciary, led by Chief Justice Martha Karambu Koome, termed the story as fake and misleading, adding that the case was neither heard nor determined at the Milimani Law Courts as alleged.
Some men have taken matters into their own hands by making women pay for their dates given that for years, women have been taking advantage of the dates for freebies.