Xtian Dela's Mother's Appeal After Son Vanishes For 4 Years, Blocks Her [VIDEO]
The incident left the widow angry and wondering why her son chose to flee the family home...
![Xtian Dela's Mother's Appeal After Son Vanishes For 4 Years, Blocks Her [VIDEO]](https://viraltea.co.ke/uploads/images/2023/03/image_750x_6403e93c1c93a.jpg)
A woman who claimed to be the mother of popular social media personality, Arthur Mandela, better known as Xtian Dela, sent out an appeal on Saturday, March 4 regarding her son whom she has not seen since 2019.
In an interview on Sauti TV, the woman, Reverend Naomi Nyongesa, revealed that the YouTuber and social media sensation, who she claims was born in 1990, had last reached out to the family four years ago before he withdrew from them and even blocked them.
The incident left the widow angry and wondering why her son chose to flee the family home, adding that after the periods of disappearance began, he would always provide an explanation when she sought to invite him to see her.
Xtian Dela with his girlfriend, Fatma Banj. /INSTAGRAM.FATMA BANJ
Dela's mother further noted that not being able to see her son in person and only being able to see him in pictures and videos caused her emotional anguish every day.
She further opened up on how she watched her son build his name and brand in the entertainment industry working with prominent names such as Jeff Koinange, expressing how proud she was of him.
The mother of 5, who is an actress in the Hullabaloo show, had tried to reach out to him on numerous occasions but was unable to, with Dela continuously telling her that he was busy, to the point she gave up, a case even his siblings found hard to do.
On Dela's relationship with his baby mama, Fatma Banj, Nyongesa noted that she had no bad blood towards her, but echoed the worry of many parents who go for long periods of time without seeing their children.
“I repeatedly tried to get in touch with him but he kept saying he was busy, so I eventually gave up even though I was really suffering.
“I have no bad sentiments toward him or his wife. Every parent would be worried if they don't see their child for so long,” she said amid tears.
According to Nyongesa, trouble began when she raised concerns about Xtian’s lifestyle and being a Christian, she was saddened to see him wear tattoos, and indulge in what she termed as odd behaviour. However, she noted that it did not mean she had any malice for him and was only looking out for his best interests.
The actress went on to claim that Dela had blocked her from all platforms and that the only other way he would be kept abreast with updates of him on certain occasions was through third parties.
Nyongesa had stated that she also reached out to Fatma recently with an urgent message to Dela to visit his family urgently, a message which failed to reach its intended target.
Despite having no qualms with Fatma, the mother lamented that neither she nor other family members have been introduced to Xtian's baby or his partner.
"I understand you married Fatma and had a child with her. May that child desert you in the future just as you have abandoned me," she fired expletively.
The grieving mother continued, adding that she still adored her son and that they had not argued before the renowned YouTuber deserted her and that he had been her only source of support since her husband passed away.
Furthermore, even relatives in their extended family had raised concerns about his whereabouts after missing several funerals, with the reverend stating that it pained her to have to resort to sending a public appeal in order to reestablish contact with her son.
Snippets of the interview with Dela's mother were soon shared on social media, igniting mixed reactions for the better part of Saturday, with many netizens criticising him for abandoning his family at his peak.
Dela's only response so far has been through his Twitter account whereby he shared an article titled How To Recognise A Toxic Parent: 7 Signs To Watch Out For, published on Tuko Sesh on the same day.
Watch the interview: