Top 2022 KCPE Candidates Who Scored 431 Marks
9,443 scored above 400 marks in the 2022 KCPE results.

UPDATE: Otieno Lewis Omondi Glen and Fwaro Makokha Robinson are the top students in the 2022 KCPE exams, having scored 431 marks out of a possible 500.
Glen is from St Peter's Mumias Boys Primary School in Kakamega County and Robinson is from Christ the King Primary School in Bungoma. They emerged as top amongst 1,244,188 candidates who sat for the examinations.
Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has announced that the top student in the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams scored 431 marks.
Machogu announced the results at Mtihani House on Wednesday, December 21, though he did not reveal the name of the student as has been the norm.
"The mark of the highest candidate rose from 428 in 2021 to 431 in 2022. We are very impressed with the KCPE examination class of 2022 for performing well and raising the standards of the main performance," he stated.
Students in an examination room. /FILE
Performance in KCPE 2022 Out of 500 Marks
9,443 pupils scored above 400 marks in the 2022 KCPE results. 307,756 pupils scored between 300 to 399 marks.
619,583 or 50.22 per cent scored between 200 and 299 marks as compared with 578,106 or 47.17 per cent who scored between the same marks in 2021. 296,336 or 24.02 per cent scored between 100 and 199 marks.
"Additionally, whereas 1,170 candidates scored between 01 and 99 marks in the 2021 KCPE Examination, that number has gone down to only 724 in the 2022 Examination despite the rise in overall candidature in the two years. This was an indicator that most candidates scored better grades than the previous year," Machogu stated.
39 candidates with special needs scored 400 marks and above compared with only two in 2021. The first candidate with special needs scored 419 marks more than the top candidate in 2021 who scored 417.
Candidates By Gender & Age
1,244,188 candidates were registered for the examination in 2022, which was administered between November 28 and November 30.
"These candidates will be allowed to start their secondary school journey as they have all qualified to be admitted to Form One. Congratulations to the class of 2022 for your spirited academic campaign that defied the triple challenge of a general election, COVID-19 and shortened school calendars," Machogu added.
Of these candidates, 620,965 (50.32 per cent) were boys while 612,887 (49.67 per cent) were girls, a clear indication that the country has achieved gender parity at the primary school level. In the 2021 KCPE, 1,214,031 candidates sat the examination.
According to the data captured in Machogu's speech, four counties had a significant entry of more male than female candidates, and they were Turkana, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera. On the other hand, Marsabit, Isiolo and Meru had a significant entry of more female than male candidates in the Examination.
The number of registered candidates who were 12 years and below declined from 33,627 (2.74 per cent) in 2021 to 31,498 (2.53 per cent) in 2022.
Education CS Ezekiel Machogu with President William Ruto. /FACEBOOK.WILLIAM RUTO
The highest number of candidates were in the appropriate age bracket of 13-15 years, (885,162; 71.13 per cent), a trend Machogu added has been replicated in the last five years.
The counties which had the highest percentage of candidates who were 18 years and above were Garissa, Turkana, Kilifi, Kwale and Mandera.
Performance By Subject
Four papers recorded an improvement in performance in the year 2022 when compared to 2021. These are English Language, Kiswahili Lugha, Kiswahili Insha and Kenyan Sign Language.
However, six papers, English Composition, Kenyan Sign Language Composition, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Religious Education recorded a drop in performance in 2022 compared with 2021.
Female candidates performed better than their male counterparts in English, Kiswahili and Kenyan Sign Language. Male candidates performed better than their female counterparts in Mathematics, Science and Social Studies as well as Religious Education.