How To Check 2024 KPSEA Results

The new exams replaced the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in 2023

How To Check 2024 KPSEA Results
Education CS Julius Ogamba speaking during a a stakeholders forum at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development on December 19, 2024. /JULIUS OGAMBA

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has released the results of the 2024 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) examinations.

The new exams replaced the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in 2023, marking the end of the four-decade 8-4-4 syllabus at the primary school level.

KNEC announced on Tuesday, January 7 that the results of the exams, a key component of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), are now available on its Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) portal, urging schools to log in to access learner-specific results.

"The 2024 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) reports are ready and have been uploaded on the CBA portal,

Screengrab of the KNEC CBA Portal used to check the 2024 KPSEA results. /KNEC CBA PORTAL

"Schools that presented candidates for the assessment are advised to log into the portal and access the learner-specific reports. Congratulations to all the 2024 KPSEA candidates," stated KNEC on its social media pages.

How To Check

Go to Once there:

  1. Sign in to the portal using valid CBA login credentials provided to you during registration. 
  2. Click the login button to access the CBA portal home page. 
  3. Go to the option labelled Grade 6 and click on Assessment Reports. 
  4. Go to NOMINAL ROLL and copy the Assessment Number of the student Report. 
  5. Return to the option labelled KPSEA slip and paste the student Assessment Number then click View.

The KPSEA assessment took place from October 28 to October 30, 2024, with a total of 1,313,913 Grade 6 from across the nation, participating in 35,573 examination centres.

According to KNEC, the assessment seeks to establish the learning outcomes at the upper primary school level and assess pupils’ levels of acquisition of core competencies and values.

“It also gives the classroom teachers relevant information about learning gaps noted at the end of the primary tier.

"Further, it informs stakeholders in education of possible interventions that can improve learning outcomes at the primary school level,” KNEC said in the 2023 KPSEA National Report. 

On Saturday, January 4, the Ministry of Education urged parents with pupils who did KPSEA to check their results as soon as the portal is opened.

Other than it being an evaluation process, KPSEA serves as a transitional assessment that reflects the impact of the competency-based curriculum (CBC) on their primary education. According to the Ministry, the pioneer cohort of CBC will transit to Grade 9 this term as scheduled.

Similarly, the government maintained that the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination results will be released within the first two weeks of January.

The Ministry announced that term one of 2025 will have 13 weeks, with 5 days for midterm break. All schools have since reopened for the new term on Monday, January 6.

A photo of students undertaking KCSE exams. /KENYA NEWS AGENCY