EACC Denies Blocking Murega Baichu From Governor Kawira Mwangaza

EACC insisted that the letter addressed to them was related to allegations of conflict of interest, nepotism and abuse of office.

EACC Denies Blocking Murega Baichu From Governor Kawira Mwangaza
Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza and her husband on September 30, 2022. /FILE

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has denied claims by Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza's husband, Murega Baichu that he has been restricted from being together with his wife at his official residence.

In a statement on Saturday, October 29, the anti-corruption body accused the duo of using a series of tricks and unnecessary sideshows to divert the commission's attention from the allegations levelled against them.

EACC insisted that the letter addressed to them was related to allegations of conflict of interest, nepotism and abuse of office. It distanced itself from any personal issues that were raised by the duo on Friday, October 28.

"The Commission takes great exception to the strange averments ensuing from the press conference alluding to alleged directives regarding the use, or otherwise, of the Governor’s official vehicles and residence by her spouse," EACC stated.

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) offices at the Integrity Centre in Nairobi. /EACC

"The Commission clarifies that its subject letter to the Governor dated 19th October 2022 was strictly limited to allegations of conflict of interest, nepotism and abuse of office against her.  Consequently, the strange issues raised in the press conference were neither raised by the Commission nor were they part of the contents of its letter to the Governor."

EACC, led by Twalib Mbarak, said it is only conducting its duties guided by the rule of law and does not interfere with personal issues regarding their subject of interest.

It added that it was not the first case that they were faced with, noting that they have sent similar advisories to other government officials who have replied to them without using theatrics to deviate their eyes from their main agenda.

"In the performance of its duties, EACC is guided by the law and does not venture into personal or family affairs,” added the commission.

"Notably, similar letters and advisories were sent to other Governors and State Officers who have responded to the Commission without the theatrics witnessed in this particular matter. The Commission urges the public to ignore such allegations which are clearly calculated to trivialise and politicise the Commission's work."

EACC was responding to Baichu, who alleged that he has been forced to spend nights away from her, believing that he is not accustomed to the county residence as he is not a government official.

Baicu noted that Mwangaza was allowed access to the official residence in Meru County without him and he has been blocked from being with her every night because he was not elected alongside her to the county administration.

As a result, Baicu has been forced to spend nights away from the governor because a section of Members of the County Assembly (MCA) believe that he should not be let into the residence.

"When the Governor was elected, she was given an official residence similar to the State House the President was given. It is, therefore, said that I'm not a government official who has not been voted in and I'm not supposed to sleep at the residence.

"I don't even have a place to sleep, I've had to spend nights at the house that my wife and I built. I'm not meant to sleep at the official residence because I'm not an official," he said.

While responding to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) raising issues with him attending official county functions and assigning duties to county workers despite not being a public officer, Baicu called upon EACC to help him establish his boundaries.

He added that apart from being barred from physically interacting with his wife as per marriage terms, he has also been banned from getting lifts from his wife’s official car when she goes to attend various functions forcing him to rely on the services of a boda boda.

The Meru First Gentleman also alleged that some MCAs believe that he should not be granted access to Governor Mwangaza's office and that he has been a victim of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) because of the MCAs continuously harassing him.

Kawira Mwangaza and the First Gentleman Murega Baichu in matching outfits at the Milimani Law Courts. /TWITTER