Namwamba Revokes Azziad, Churchill, Akothee Govt Appointments
The launch of the Talenta Hela Programme is set for Friday at State House, Nairobi.

Sports Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ababu Namwamba has revoked the establishment of the Talanta Hela Council and Technical Committees.
This was confirmed through a Gazette Notice dated Friday, June 9 seen by Viral Tea, whereby Namwamba revoked Gazette Notice No. 1649 of 2023 that created the Talanta Hela Council.
"It is notified for the general information of the public that the Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts has revoked Gazette Notice No. 1649 of 2023," read the notice in part, without explaining the reason for the revocation.
The launch of the Talanta Hela Programme was set for Friday at State House, Nairobi, though Viral Tea is unable to independently establish if the launch will still take place after the revocation.
Azziad Nasenya with Sports CS, Ababu Namwamba on February 20, 2023. /AZZIAD NASENYA
In the earlier notice, CS Namwamba had appointed Kizito Wangalwa, David Langat, Debra Mallowah, Abraham Kipyego Mutai, Charles Gacheru, Claudia Naisabwa Leshomoo, Nobert Ouma, June Chepkemei and Dennis Itumbi as members of the Talanta Hela Council.
Namwamba appointed Carol Radull to chair the Sports Technical Committee with Boniface Ambani, Julius Yego, Neddy Kutsuru, Alfred Makotsi, Sammy Shollei, Collins Kale, Kevin Mutai, Shilovelo Winna, Daniel Losiru and Staicy Ochieng being members.
He also created the Creatives Technical Committee chaired by Daniel Ndambuki. The members of the committee included; Akinyi Odongo, Jimmi Gathu, Catherine Kamau, Esther Akoth, and Kizito Makhande.
Others were; Azziad Nasenya, Rosemary Wahu Kagwi, Awadhi Salim Awadhi, Douglas Kipkirui Mutai, and Susan Ekasiba. All appointments were to serve for three years.
The revocation comes after the High Court on Monday, May 22 suspended the establishment of the program, which contains two technical committees, one for sports and one for creatives and was established by the Head of State on Friday, February 10 through the Gazette Notice.
High Court Judge Lawrence Mugambi who issued the orders freezing the appointment of members to the Council for a period of three years gave the Sports CS and Attorney General Justin Muturi 14 days to reorganise themselves and respond to the petition and application, which shall be its last chance.
“Pending the hearing and determination of this application inter parties, an interim order be and is hereby issued suspending the special issue of the Kenya Gazette Notice 1649(Vol. CXXV No.32) dated February 10, 2023, publishing the establishment of the Talanta Hela Council and its Technical Committees and consequent appointments for a period of 3 years,” ruled Mugambi.
The judge also allowed Sports Kenya, Kenya Academy and Kenya Copyright Board to be enjoined in the case.
The court order was issued after creative enthusiast Charles Mugane filed a petition seeking to have the Creatives Technical Committee under the Talanta Hela Council revoked.
Mugane, in the petition filed by Mugane Advocates on Tuesday, March 7 argued that the committee, chaired by renowned comedian Daniel Ndambuki (Churchill) was illegal.
According to him, the persons appointed to the committees were chosen with no regard to "the principle of meritocracy" and that the appointments were the reward of political cronies at the expense of thin public coffers "which matter is a betrayal of the public trust bestowed upon you by the Kenyan citizenry."
Mugane further lamented that the appointments were made in breach of Article 10 of the Constitution which sets out the national values and principles of governance, including public participation, good governance, transparency and accountability.
"Certainly, no selection process has been shown of how the eleven were arrived at from the massive eight million Kenyans on the TikTok platform where the appointees appear to have been drawn from," read part of the petition.
"Your actions above are a blatant disregard of the law which our client shall not countenance."
Mugane, therefore, demanded that he be furnished with evidence of public participation in the establishment of the council and the committee and called for the budget for the council and the committee to be provided and a statement of expenditure showing what has been incurred and expended.
Other demands he made were to receive the source of the funding for the body and the selection criteria used for the appointments.